
Senior Software Engineer


I am a Senior Software Engineer with over 30 years of experience and a passion for technology. I have worked in a variety of industries and fields such as education, entertainment, telecommunications and payment processing including the architecture and implementation of complex PCI-DSS compliant systems.

Electronics has always been a hobby for me and, since I was a teenager, I've been soldering something in my spare time. This gave me a chance on various occasions, to get professionally involved in designing proof-of-concept/early prototype devices.

I am currently based in Poland and able to take on contractor roles across a range of positions and durations, normally fully remote with occasional on-site visits.

What I can do for my clients

Software Developement

I can join your team or work in isolation but, generally, I consider project work and not long term cooperation. I am well versed in backend development, APIs, security, scalability, long term maintainability which, I believe, are the true assets I can offer. I consider language and frameworks easily learned skills so I don't mind picking up a tech stack that is new to me. However, understandably, if you are looking for someone to hit the ground running my strongest suites are Laravel, PHP, Serverless, Node.js, and some Spring Boot and Kotlin.

Hardware Design

If there are sensors or actuators you want to hook up to an Arduino or perhaps a Raspberry PI to build any sort of proof-of-concept or fair display item I can get your project hooked up and write some software to run it. I would love to help artists create their installations realizing their ideas into hardware. My most extensive and recent experience is on the Arduino platform, mostly because of the vast selection of libraries that makes it a natural choice for prototypes and one-offs. I did work in the past in both Assembly and C for various microcontrollers, most notably the venerable Motorola 68HC11 and the STM ST6.

Technical Writing

I can help writing, proofreading, and editing your technical documentation. Whether it's a user manual, API docs, or a (technical) blog post I can provide you with content to your specifications.
I have had extensive experience throughout the years, mostly documenting APIs and writing user manuals both in English and Italian. Though not relevant to the tech world, I have also published few books which you can see on my Amazon Author Page.

Some* Projects

* As I'm sure you can understand, most of my clients want to keep their source code for themselves. For this reason, this is no way an exhaustive representation of my work.

Spring Boot/Kotlin

See on GitHub

I have recently started to dip my toes in Spring Boot/Kotlin in preparation to work with a new client. To get familiar with the framework I built a hypothetical service providing user authentication and APIs to create and retrieve user assets (bank accounts). The application is split into microservices and demonstrates, among other things, how to build an API Gateway, allow service discovery with Eureka, persist data on MongoDB, provide centralized configuration with Spring Cloud Config, and messaging between microservices with RabbitMQ.


See on GitHub

A retro-style trainer board based on the Motorola MC14500, a 1-bit ICU popular in the past in PLCs. I developed this as a showcase project for my portfolio. The project is OSHW certified, so anyone can build one. I also made it available as a kit to assemble on Tindie. I'm using this project to showcase my electronics design and documentation abilities, KiCad PCB design. To provide a toolchain for the board I developed an assembler in Dart, and a rudimentary board simulator in Flutter which is heavily WIP.

Air Quality Monitor

See on GitHub

A prototype I developed for a client that was planning to display air-filters at a fair. They needed something to show air quality in different display cabinets. The hand-wired contraption sports an ESP32 (Arduino), a SPS30 particulate matter sensor, an iAQ-Core CO2 and TVOC sensor, and eInk Display (because it looks cool!).
The device has Wi-Fi connectivity and exposes a simple API for a mock of the remote monitoring web service they were planning to offer.

C64 Music Routine

See on GitHub

This is surely one of the longest running projects I have been working on as I started with this in the far 1987 on a real C64 and still toy around with it on an emulator. At that time I was mostly scribbling code on a notebook as my parents allowed only 1 hour a day of monitor time. As dictated by the times, the coolness factor, and need for speed this is all 6502 Assembly.


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